7 Tips to Increase Your Child’s Appetite

Posted by Adele Henderson on

family eating dinner together

Like many parents, there are instances when you feel like your child isn’t eating enough. Whether it’s because they’re a picky eater, or because of a deeper problem, read on to discover our tips on how to increase your child's appetite.

1. Mandatory Breakfast 

We’re sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’, in this case, it is. Eating a healthy breakfast after a good night’s sleep, rejuvenates the metabolism and is bound to increase their appetite overall.

egg and avocado on toast for breakfast

2. Stick to a routine

Serve meals and snacks at about the same time every day. This regulates a child’s system, and gets them in the habit of eating more often.

3. Small meals every 2 hours

The typical three meals a day doesn’t apply to all children. It’s always better to have small, nutritional meals to boost their digestive systems. Small meals can include, milk or nutritious drinks like OzFarm Kids Care, biscuits or some fruit.


child on swing

4. Fun in the sun!

Outdoor play is not only fun but is also beneficial towards getting them more hungry. As they exert more energy, they get hungrier.  It’s a win-win for all!

5. Go for high calorie foods

A smart way to make sure picky eaters still get the nutrients they need is feeding them calorie-rich foods. Examples of these are granola bars, yoghurt, almond milk, and avocados. Just one avocado boasts about 322 calories or dried fruit is another great way to gain extra calories, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

6. Small bites

Teach children to focus when its a meal time. They need to ensure that their bites are small and that they chew their food properly. Chewing their food properly (experts say at least 32 times before swallowing) and taking smaller bites helps in easy digestion and boosts their metabolism.


family cooking in kitchen

7. Positive conversations during meals

Meal times are when you and your family come together to share stories about your day. Stick to positive conversations involving friends, playdates and fun activities to make meal time a calm, positive experience. 

If you have a child that is a picky eater or doesn’t eat often, try Kid’s Care to boost their metabolism and up their intake of healthy nutrients. Available in a yummy vanilla flavour, perfect for kids aged 1-10!

family food fussy eater Healthy kids nutrition

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