Thanks for participating!
Enter our lucky draw to get the OzFarm Family Food & Fun Pack – Value $2500!
Scroll down to explore more information.

Two ways to participate in our Lucky draw!

Purchase any product from our online shop at;

Provide your feedback on our products on our Facebook page and email us with your comments and pictures at

Final Prize
By purchasing & providing feedback on any OzFarm product – you will go into the draw to receive this fantastic prize including $1000 Woolworths gift card, $1000 voucher for nutritional OzFarm products, and a Nintendo Switch – just for fun! We also have 5 Packs of 6 Kid’s Care products to be won.

Oz Farm $1,000 coupon * 1 + Woolworths $1,000 gift card * 1 + $500 Nintendo Switch * 1
$2500 Family Food & Fun Pack
- Available to 1 lucky participant

Oz Farm Kids Care 6 cans
$180 Kid's Care Pack
- Available to 5 lucky participants
Lucky participants will be notified by email and also announced on OzFarm’s Facebook page on May 7th.
Disclaimer: Timing of the RCH150 Anniversary Art Trail is from 20/1/2021 to 07/4/2021. Entries received after this date will not be accepted. Feedback should be at least 50 words. Participants are also required to submit pictures or videos after receipt of their prizes. Photos etc., will be shared on OzFarm social media platforms.