Pregnancy is an amazing journey despite the season, however being pregnant in winter brings forth its own challenges. Read on to explore our top tips on keeping healthy and comfortable during your mama-to-be months, as the temperature goes on a downward spiral!
Tagged "Pregnancy"
How to Curb Midnight Cravings When Pregnant (or Breastfeeding)
Posted by Adele Henderson on

How to Fight Pregnancy Fatigue
Posted by Adele Henderson on
Morning sickness gets a bad rap for being the worst side effect of pregnancy. But as every mum-to-be knows, there’s another symptom that can impact our daily life just as much: fatigue.
Learning to Love Your Pregnant Body
Posted by Adele Henderson on
Pregnancy is a joyous time for some women, while for others it may feel more like a nine-month prison sentence! From weight (or fluid) gain, to stretch marks, itchiness and bleeding gums, the changes to your body can sometimes make you feel uneasy in your own skin.
If this is the case, here are a few strategies to help you feel better about your body during pregnancy.
How to Beat the Heat During Pregnancy
Posted by Adele Henderson on
Being pregnant at the height of summer is no picnic. You’re hot, sweaty, swollen… and you can’t even cool down with a wine or cocktail!
Don’t despair, summer mamas: here are three refreshing treats you CAN enjoy. They’re ice-cold, incredibly tasty and take just minutes to prepare.